Saturday, February 18, 2012

10 months old

**Sorry this is a day late. Yesterday slipped by us and date night was last night!

Our little girl is 10 months old. I feel like this has been a fun and interesting month. She had a pretty tough growth spurt and got a couple teeth and it made everything uncomfortable. Emsley isn't a fussy baby but it made eating new food hard and taking naps a challenge. But after it was all over, she is still a great eater and sleeper! We took Emsley to the zoo for the first time this past weekend with my family and it was so fun. I'm glad we waited 10 months because I think any earlier and she wouldn't have even been able to see where the animals were. But she saw them, pointed, and even waved at them. It was great. Again, another month of tons of fun and lots of love.

Here are some stats as she turns 10 months:

-Weighs approximately 23 pounds now
-Is approximately 29 1/2 inches tall
-Wears size 4 diapers still
-Is mainly in 18 month clothes (but she has some cute 12 month that she still wears too!)
-Eats 5 bottles a day still but we are hoping to get one of them gone soon
-East 3 meals a day and she now eats off our plates more, chicken, rice, pasta, lots of things!
-Still sleeping through the night (thank the Lord!)
-Takes a bath just in the tub now like a big girl and this is the highlight of her nights...daddy is the best bath giver and its a special time for the two of them!
-We are pretty sure Emsley is a crawl-aholic! She is always on the move!! So precious.
-Pulls up on anything and cruises around the house...walking is just around the corner
-Has been letting go of things when standing with no support but only for a second
-Makes friends everywhere...even the creepy people. We will teach her about strangers soon!
-Now has her two bottom teeth and 4 top teeth. She is SOOOO cute!
-She used to love to walk with us but now is focusing on talking and talks to everything and about everything. Nothings obvious yet...the cat is something like "ca-ca"

I'm sure we are biased but Emsley is the most beautiful and loving baby we have ever been around. She is so sweet and brings such joy to our lives. Sometimes we will go and check on her before we go to bed and just watch her for a minute because we feel so happy and blessed to be her parents. Our little girl is growing fast but it is a fun journey so far and we are so excited for each next stage!

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