Thursday, January 13, 2011

Preparing for change

I know that in the past I have written about change and how I am not a fan. Yet change is what I have been preparing for for the last 3 years or so. Mike and I have been either trying to get pregnant or start our family through adoption for over 3 years now, we have been actively trying to create change. So now that we are officially going to be parents in April, we are preparing for this impending change. And sometimes I am totally freaked out about it or I am so excited that April seems forever away.

Last week, I was reading a book (which turned out to be the saddest, most deressing book ever). While reading it at 11:30 at night, I started balling my eyes out. The book was at a point where the the mom and dad had their first child and their relationship got terrible. My tears came from a fear of the change that is about to happen in our marriage. Not a bad change, and actually a change that I have been waiting for for such a long time! So in the midst of my tears, Mike woke up and comforted me and we talked about how we both desire for our marriage to always come first (after our relationship with God!). We want regular date night (with the help of our wonderful friends and family as babysitters!!), and we want to have conversations with each other and other people that don't revolve around our children or parenting. These are things we long for when we become parents.

The change that is coming for the Wise household is now totally and completely welcome. It is going to be a beautiful and precious thing. And I cannot wait to be a mommy...just had to throw that in too!

1 comment:

  1. Date nights are very important. Ryan and I have only gotten away 2 times in the past 14 months. It ended up being a lot harder for us to get away than we "before baby" planned. I hope you guys are able to make it work. It probably helps that you have things to go and do where you live! :) While change is is good. And God doesn't give anything we can't handle. You're going to be a great mom and I can't wait to meet my little niece or nephew!
