Tuesday, January 17, 2012

9 months old

It's so exciting to think that in 3 months our little girl will be a year old. She is now 9 months old and growing so fast. This has been a month of major learning for Emsley. We are constantly seeing the little wheels turning in her head of how things work, how she can do things, and what else she can do! The days are going so fast because she is moving around and I love just chasing her! We are having a blast together and just love when Mike comes home to spend time with his girls.

Here are some stats as she turns 9 months:

-Weighs 22.14lbs and is in the 95th percentile
-Is 29 1/4 inches tall and is also in the 95th percentile
-Wears size 4 diapers
-She still wears some 12 month clothes still but mainly 18 months
-Eats 5 bottles a day still but is not necessarily finishing all of them
-East 3 meals a day and we have started to give her table food (rice, bread, bananas, avocado)
-Sleeps through the night like a champ!
-Bath time is more playtime...daddy is the best bath giver!
-As of December 26th she is now a crawler! She gets better everyday!
-She can pull herself up on everything...crib, table, chairs, and is getting pretty steady
-Still the friendliest baby I have ever seen...even when she was teething she was a sweetie
-She just got her 4th tooth this past Sunday...2 bottom and her 2 front teeth
-Clapping and waving are her favorite but has started pointing at things now
-"Talks" regularly...mama, gaga, ada...so close to dada!

We love Emsley so much and everyday gets more and more fun. Everyone told us that things would be so hard once Emsley starts crawling and walking. But honestly, it has just made our days more fun and entertaining. The days go by a lot quicker and she is just happier. I love being Emsley's mommy...each day gets better and better!

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