Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1 month old

Today Emsley is one month old. I would love to tell you that the time flew by and that I'm sad that my little girl is growing so fast but truthfully...I'm not. The time didn't fly, it actually felt a little slow up to this point (I mean, not a bad slow just a nice pace!) and I love watching her grow. I even look forward to the steps she will take...sleeping through the night, holding her head up regularly, staying awake more during the day, cooing. I don't want Emsley to stay a newborn...I long to watch her grow into a beautiful little girl and see her story unfold.

Here are some stats on Emsley as she turns 1 month:

--Still in newborn size diapers (but not for long!)
--Wears either 0-3 month or 3 month clothes now
--Eats about 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours during the day
--Eats about 4-5 oz every 4-4.5 hours during the night
--Makes the cutest pouty lips face ever (she will be hard for us to say no to!)
--Her tears finally started coming a few days ago
--Her eyebrows are darkening (I know it may seem silly to mention but whatever!)
--Grabs mommy's hair every chance she can get
--Will hear her daddy and me when someone else is holding her and look for us
--Makes the best sleeping noises, like grunts
--Loves to be held close to our chests and be patted continually
--Enjoys her chairs that vibrate, bounce, or swing
--Hates being naked but loves bath time when she can just sit and relax in the tub
--Sleeps SOOO good in the car

But most of all, the best thing she has done is stolen the hearts of so many people. Her life is already so rich with family and friends...she is so lucky.

Also, here is a link to the blog post (click here) from our adoption coordinator on how she met Amy and her view of our special relationship. We love Miss Amy!

Well, we love Emsley so much and can't wait to see what this month holds for us!