Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pre-meeting emotions

We will be meeting with the birthparents in less than 24 hours. Wow. I have been sleeping poorly the last few nights because my mind has been racing....what kind of questions will they ask us, will they like us, how much should we share about this or that? That and a million other questions are making me crazy! Then I start to think of how I might answer those questions. Which I really have no idea how I will answer them.

So how am I feeling right now? I'm so nervous and anxious for this meeting. I feel like my stomach is twisted and turned a million times. I think that the anticipation of this meeting is really fueling this nerves. I mean, we have been waiting to have a baby for over 2 years and waiting to be matched for 8 months now. So now, we are here and now it is real.

Yet, through all the nerves, I am excited somehow. I cannot wait to meet this amazing couple. They are willing to do something so wonderful for us and that baby. Tomorrow is a big day for us. Tomorrow could be the day that we find out if we are going to be a mom and dad. We could know if we are having a boy or a girl and with that we will know what name we will give to our child. Tomorrow could be the beginning of our story. A story that we are able to praise God for everyday!!!

If you think of Mike and I tomorrow, please be praying for us. Be praying for our story---that God be writing it as he sees fit. That He may write this couple's story as well. And if ours connect somehow, that God would be in control of that. And also, please pray for rest. I know the birthmom is nervous about tomorrow just as we are. Pray that we can sleep and be refreshed and ready for our meeting.

I look forward to sharing news, no matter the outcome tomorrow. God is in control and it is that knowledge that gives us a peace as we enter into this part of our lives.


  1. I have the alarm set on my phone for tomorrow at 10:30, Mike and Kim . . . as if I'll need it!

    We are holding you in our hearts and are lifting your requests up to the One who has it all in His good hands.

    We love you!!

  2. This is so exciting. You are in our prayers. Praying that the birth mom would feel the presence of the lord just through your brief interaction today and that she would see like we all do what amazing parents you will be.
