Sunday, December 6, 2009

Update from our Social Worker

Mike and I have definitely felt very discouraged in this waiting time. After getting an email from the agency the week of Thanksgiving saying that our file is STILL incomplete and that they haven't shown us to any birthmoms, we felt lost. We were so sad because the agency was so encouraging that we wouldn't have to wait a long time to be matched but then we felt like they weren't doing anything to help that move along. Our of the blue our social worker writes us this week to just check in. Talk about an answer to prayer...we had been hoping that someone would contact us and it not always be in our court.

I wrote Anita (our social worker) back and told her how we were feeling and asked for either some encouragement or a reality check. Not even 24 hours later she responded with a great email letting us know that our file should be complete very very soon and that she found out we were recently shown to a birthmother!!! I mean...this woman may not choose us but we were just so happy that we are really moving along in this process. I had happy tears!

We know that this is in God's timing and God is definitely on our side. He knows exactly how much we can handle and i think he knew that we were getting close to the end of our rope. God is so good...we are still praying for a baby to be home with us very soon!

Praise God with us!


  1. Sara, we don't know if it is going to be a boy yet!

  2. Oh girl . . . oh boy . . . oh BABY!

    Yep, there's one a-comin'!

    Sara's right: we can't wait! Anticipating with you!
