Sunday, March 18, 2012

11 months old

**I know this is a day late...been a long weekend!

In only one short month our little Emsley will be a year old. We are making all our plans to celebrate her big day. But honestly, although I am so excited for the decorations and the little details of the day, I am more excited about all our favorite people coming together to celebrate Emsley and her 1 year of life with us. This past month has been a blast. She is growing so much and we can tell she is learning words and understands us so much more. I asked her to come back in the kitchen with me and to pick up the cracker piece on the floor and she crawled back and grabbed that cracker. I mean, my child is a genius!!! It was sweet and I went and gave her a big kiss because I love watching her learn everyday. I love being her mom and all these wonderful things we learn about her just make me love it more!

Here are some stats as she turns 11 months:

-Weighs approximately 23 1/2 pounds now
-Is approximately 30 inches tall
-Wears size 4 diapers still
-Wears size 18 month clothes but have been buying 24 month/2T
-Takes 4 bottles a day and 3 meals a day
-Started eating more table food (bananas, pineapple, chicken, tomato, and loves rice!)
-Sleeps through the night and takes 2 good naps a day
-Bath time is fun and we do it nightly now. Loves to splash and laugh!
-Crawling is still her form of transportation but is cruising on furniture and holding with only one hand now (not walking yet!)
-Starting to talk more and more...says mama, dah, bah, gah, ka ka (kitty?)
-Has started staring at people until they start to smile or wave (kinda creepy at times)
-Has 3 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth (pretty sure her 1 year molars are coming in)

Well, looking forward to this next month. I can't wait to say I have a one year old! Love this little girl and she is such a joy to her daddy and me!

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