Friday, August 27, 2010

Love our small group!

Mike and I have been a part of a small group for a few years now and the people in that group have become like family to us. They have walked with us in great times and also in our worst times. Sunday nights have become a time we cherish. Not just for the time in the word and prayer time but for the fellowship we share over dinner every week. I have talked about them before but today I want to talk about something much more.

This past Sunday night, we had a smaller group than normal and it was pretty much amazing. Our conversation was such a blessing as we talked about how to best support and love our leaders in the church. As we started this discussion, we said that sometimes it is hard to know how to best pray for the leaders because they don't always share specific requests. Our thoughts on how to pray for the unknown lead us to the talk about how we can best be praying for each other in our group. It was this discussion that the conversation about being more in each others lives came up. And not just getting to hear the prayer requests about family, work, etc but about our hearts and walks with God. Sometimes, at least in my experience, the deep thoughts tend to not come to the surface. We don't like to look vulnerable, especially in regards to our spiritual life. I know for me, I think everyone has a better relationship with God so I don't want to share those struggles with everyone.

But this past Sunday, we went there. The group really opened up and I feel like I know and love those people more than I did the day before. As a group, we started something. Something that we can now show to those who weren't there. I'm excited to see this new desire to go deep to play out. I mean, that is what a small group is isn't just about the Bible study or dinner but about being in each others lives.

This is the kind of group of people I want my children to see their parents interacting with. I want them hearing us talk about our faith. Not just the good but the bad and ugly. They should know that we are comfortable sharing this with others so that when they are ready to accept Jesus in their hearts, they know they can talk with us or their Sunday School teachers, because they saw their mom and dad doing that same thing. And as they grow in their faith, they can think back to the years we were all a part of this Grace Group and find others they can go deep with.

This is my dream for not only my friendships now for myself but the example I can now set for my children.

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