Saturday, October 31, 2009

What lead us to adoption?

Since i plan on using this blog to not only share our process but to also educate people about adoption, I guess I should start with our story...the specifics.

Like I said in my last post, I mentioned that Mike and I had the opportunity to go to Romania on a missions trip to work in an orphanage. We met boys from ages 5-15 who have had such a hard life. These boys have a testimony that would give you goosebumps. One boy, Alex, shared that he lived with Gypsy's at a young age and begged for money, food, clothing to survive. He lived such a hard life but yet was able to see God's sovereignty in his life. He knew that God brought him to that specific orphanage. He knew love. Wow.

After we got home, Mike (my boyfriend of only 9 months) told me that he thought we should adopt one day. That if we can give a child hope in a situation where they might not have that, that would be great. We always said that we would adopt after we had 2 or 3 of "our own." God decided that He had other plans.

We always knew that adoption would be not only an emotional process but also a financially difficult one as well. We had to grieve the idea of not having biological children (but trusting that God can do whatever He wants). After accepting His will, we started doing research and talked to some people.

Now that we are very into this process---it is a decision that we are happy and blessed to have made. If anyone ever thinks that they will just "have their own kids" first...remember that God can change that and that any child that you bring into your home will be "your own." But I strongly recommend that you and your spouse pray and do your research. Decide what you are capable of (in terms of the child and birthmom), whether you want to use an agency, open vs. closed adoption, domestic vs. international. There is so much information on the internet. Visiting websites like or a specific agency will give you the facts you need to aid you in your decision.

Prepare your hearts for a long but exciting road and enjoy it from start to finish.

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