Over 6 1/2 years ago, I got so angry at the man that would one day become not only my husband but my best friend. He started subbing at the daycare I was working for and let the kids be a little rude to me since they had him as a counselor when he worked there before. I was so mad at this guy. I had met this guy when I was a little 6th grader and he was in the 10th grade and we went to the same church but that day at work he was just some guy who was annoying me. I was so mean to him. I even tried to get him fired for being a jerk to me---which didn't end up happening...thank God! A few days later we all went out after work and I apologized to him....and that was my first but certainly not my last conversation with this guy...my guy. Had I known that summer day that I would fall madly in love with him, I might have been a little nicer to him. But I like to think that God wanted me to act like that so I would have to humble myself and apologize to see what a great man he was.
Here we are...celebrating our 7th Valentine's Day together tomorrow. Wow, feels like just yesterday he was picking me up for our first. Mike was in grad school the first 9 months we were dating in the Bay Area. He was so busy with homework and projects that he put off making any plans for our first Valentine's Day together. He had a beatiful bouquet of red roses delivered to my work and picked me up (looking quite handsome!) and told me we were going to Pasadena for dinner....at 10:30pm!!! It was all he could get! We had a fun time walking around and talking and really just being together. And now tomorrow, things are different in a great way. We don't need a fancy restaurant or flowers...just each other and a little dinner at home.
But the point of this post isn't just to tell you about how we met and fell in love or how we spent our first Valentine's Day together but to brag about what an amazing man I am married to. Mike is best and most amazing man ever. He is someone who loves with all his heart. He is kind and considerate but knows how to just tell me the truth, even if it might hurt a little. He has a really stressful and smart person job but he manages to not only work really long days knowing that the quality of his work affects the safety so many people but also come home and help with dishes, bills and so many other things. He is the kind of guy that I feel so comfortable when we are talking or when we are just sitting in silence reading a book. He encourages me to be a better woman, friend, sister, daughter, employee, and person in general but still loves me for me. I respect him and know that he is the reason that I have accomplished a lot of things in my life. He truly is my best friend and on this day of love...I want him and all of you to know that I love him....
And as we are ready to venture into parenting soon...I know that my love for him will only get deeper as I watch him hold our child and play with them. This man will be a great dad and we are all so blessed to have him in our lives!
I love you honey and want to thank you for being my valentine! xoxo
(sorry for the mushy post everyone---it is Valentine's Day though!)
Thank you for writing such a sweet encouraging post. I love you too and Happy Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteI love mushy posts about your husband! And I love the Wises!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully written, Kim. You and Mike will offer your little one such a wonderful, stable home--such an excellent gift!