Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Today we celebrated Christmas with our little family. We started the day very chill. We took our time getting ready and then made our traditional cinnamon roll breakfast and enjoyed talking to Emsley about what Christmas day is all about. We told her that Jesus was born today and how lucky we are that he was born and came to change our world forever. Daddy even read from her rhyming bible about Jesus' birth and the shepherds. Then we let Emsley run towards her gifts...daddy has put together her new kitchen and it was waiting in the living room (behind a secure baby gate!). She enjoyed that and we opened our stockings and gifts. Emsley loved each gift so much that it was kinda hard to get her to open the next gift. We made the big mistake of letting her open her gift of books first. Our beautiful child loves to just sit and read and it was hard to tear her away from those. But we each got some special gifts but for Mike and I the best part of the morning was watching Emsley explore all her new things and seeing how curious she is!

We then headed to my grandparents house to see them and my Uncle and his family (along with my parents). We enjoyed being there and Emsley was loving the attention! Then my parents headed over to our house to open gifts (they spoiled us and Emsley in such a wonderful way and our girl LOVES each gift they got her!) and ate a nice ham dinner together. It was a nice evening! Love spending such great quality time with my parents. They love Emsley to pieces and she them. Emsley took a fun bath and went to bed early and we had some restful time on our own watching a movie and talking about our amazing Christmas day. It was such a great day and they day is so much more special having a little one who just loves opening presents but who is also wanting to read and learn about the real reason for this day. We hope to have this day be a day of celebrating Jesus' birth for many years to come! We are so blessed this Christmas and continue to feel so blessed with our family and how God's hand is always a part of it. Emsley is a joy and we are so grateful to have her as our daughter!

Here are some pictures to share our day!