Ok so I know that Emsley is actually a couple weeks past her 18 month old check up but we finally went to the Dr's today because last week mommy and Emsley had the stomach flu. Boo!
Emsley has gotten so big and her personality is even bigger! She is such a cutie...she loves to put on clothes and shoes and LOVES to read books.
Her stats as she turns 18 months old:
-Weighs 28 pounds and is in the 92nd percentile
-Is 33 1/4 inches tall and is in the 90th percentile
-Still wears size 4 diapers but she is gonna be in size 5 soon
-Her clothes sizes are weird. She wears 2T/3T shirts and 24month/2T pants
-She takes a bottle with breakfast and dinner now and loves her regular milk
-Favorite foods are banana, peas, chicken, and spaghetti
-Sleeps great and naps are about 2 1/2 hours now (LOVE!)
-Daddy handles bath time and teeth brushing at night and she loves it
-Is running everywhere and we are having so much fun chasing each other!
-Can say about 40-50 words and even recognizes lots in her books
-Waves at everyone, especially people in the cars next to us while we are driving...kinda funny!
-Has 16 teeth and we can tell her 2 year molars are shifting but she is handling it like a champ
She is a joy! Love this little girl!